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PACKAGE_NAME - Static variable in interface mitoolkit.core.CoreConstants
PARTIAL_ACCEPT - Static variable in class edu.UCL.satin.arch.components.Reflective
PREPARE - Static variable in interface mitoolkit.core.CoreConstants
PRIVATE - Static variable in interface mitoolkit.core.PriorityConstants
Prepare - interface mitoolkit.core.Prepare.
PriorityConstants - interface mitoolkit.core.PriorityConstants.
pack(LMU) - Method in interface edu.UCL.satin.facets.NeedsPacking
Allows the component to add items to the lmu it is presumably going to be sent with
pack(Class, int, int) - Method in class mitoolkit.core.SerializationHandler
pack(Prepare, int, int, int) - Method in class mitoolkit.core.SerializationHandler
pack(Object, int, int, int) - Method in class mitoolkit.core.SerializationHandler
packType(LMU, int, int, int, int) - Method in class mitoolkit.core.SerializationHandler
packType(Object, int, int, int, int) - Method in class mitoolkit.core.SerializationHandler
parseRemoteProperties(String) - Static method in class edu.UCL.satin.impl.remotecomponents.RemoteComponent
parses the properties of a component (as text) into a hashtable
port - Variable in class edu.UCL.satin.impl.advertising.central.clients.advertising.CentralAdvertising
port - Variable in class edu.UCL.satin.impl.advertising.central.clients.discovery.CentralDiscovery
port - Variable in class mitoolkit.server.UDPHeader
print(String, Object) - Method in class edu.UCL.satin.impl.Debug.Debug
print(String, Object) - Method in interface edu.UCL.satin.impl.Debug.DebugFacet
printClasses(Hashtable) - Static method in class mitoolkit.core.ObjectInspector
printStackTrace() - Method in class mitoolkit.core.MiToolkitException
Prints this exception and its backtrace to the standard error stream.
printStackTrace(PrintStream) - Method in class mitoolkit.core.MiToolkitException
Prints this exception and its backtrace to the specified print stream.
printStackTrace(PrintWriter) - Method in class mitoolkit.core.MiToolkitException
Prints this exception and its backtrace to the specified print writer.
privateClassSpace - Variable in class mitoolkit.core.MobileClassLoader
processClasses(String, String, Hashtable, int, int) - Method in class mitoolkit.core.ClassSpaceManager
processMember(Class, Vector) - Static method in class mitoolkit.core.ClassInspector
processMembers(Class[], Vector) - Static method in class mitoolkit.core.ClassInspector
properties - Variable in class edu.UCL.satin.arch.components.Component
properties - Variable in class edu.UCL.satin.impl.MiToolkitDeployer.HashLMU
putByteCode(String, byte[]) - Method in class mitoolkit.core.ClassSpace
putClass(String, Class) - Method in class mitoolkit.core.ClassSpace

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